NB. Your download folder contains this guide to installation, & some tips for using the presets.
After downloading…
- Move or copy the zipped folder to your desktop
(or wherever you will find it easy to navigate to)
- Unzip the folder (double click on it) – its called “LR PRESETS (name of preset pack) by DEREK SNEE”
- Open Lightroom and select the DEVELOP module
- On the left side panel, click on the drop down menu titled PRESETS
- Right click anywhere within the Presets folder and select NEW FOLDER
- Name the folder – I suggest that you select a number like 01. or 02. followed by a name – you can name the folder anything you like.
- Right click on this new folder and then select IMPORT...
- Navigate to the unzipped presets and open the PRESETS folder
- SELECT ALL of the presets and click OPEN
After installing…
- You will find your presets under the PRESETS panel on the left side of your screen in Lightroom’s DEVELOP MODULE
Now its time to have some fun! … here are some usage tips