USAGE TIPS (re ACROS R and MONO R Preset Packs)

  • Don’t worry about applying the presets rigidly according to their titles
  • Do play and enjoy finding looks that work for your photography
  • You can now make great looking images in 3 or less mouse clicks!
  • NB.  Your download folder contains a guide to installation & these tips for using the presets

Combining Looks, Vignettes and Split Tones

You will see that your presets include 12 ‘looks’, two vignettes and two split tones.
This means huge creative potential.

I recommend this simple approach to using vignettes and split tones…

1. Choose the preset you feel best fits your vision for your image
    - try clicking on different presets (01 to 12) before choosing

2. Try out a Vignette (presets 13 & 14) – try clicking on each before making your choice

3. Try out a Split Tone (presets 15 & 16) – again, click on each then make your choice

Please Note:  If you apply a vignette and (or) a split tone and then decide that you want to change the underlying ‘look’, then I recommend that you select ‘RESET ALL PRESETS’ and start again.  Its easy, fast, and healthier for your images and your sanity.



  • Clicking on ‘RESET ALL PRESETS’ wipes all editing, therby returningto the state of the unedited colour raw file
  • Clicking on 'ZEROISE SHARPENING' sets the sharpening amount to zero